Kitsubot is a custom Discord server bot I created to learn more about NodeJS with Typescript and other things. It since grew to also include database work on the backend, and I was considering trying to add a front-end interface to it too.
The most interesting (and technically involved) thing it can do is
automatically clear recent messages from channels. That thing you would
normally have to pay Dyno $5/mo to access as a premium feature? Free.
The downside is that I'm sure there's a reason it's a premium feature in
Dyno and the more people that wind up using this bot, the more likely
it'll fall on its face. Somehow. But that's a tomorrow-me problem.
Can I get an amen over here? Hell yeah!
/autoclear set #channel timer
Sets an autoclear on the specified channel with
specified timer (in minutes/hours). Channel and
Timer will both autofill with options for you. Make
sure not to choose a Category as your channel. Voice
channels work for this command since they have text
attached to them now.
/autoclear unset #channel
Removes an autoclear from the specified channel.
/clear number
- Clears the specified number of recent
messages in a channel.
/echo message
- Echoes your message back to you.
or k!hello
- Returns a greeting.
- Randomly generates a pep-talk to put
some pep in your step, friend.
or k!ping
- Reports the Websocket
latency between Discord and the bot. This may not be accurate
to the time it takes for the bot's messages to get sent to your
/quote add quote
Add a quote to the list for this server.
/quote list
List out the quotes for the server by ID.
/quote remove id
Remove a quote from the list for this server based
on an ID number given by /quote list
/quote random
Lists a random quote from the server quotes list if
any exist.
if you want to give it a whirl it's on my Discord server at Kitsubytes on Discord.
If you like this project, you could always follow me on Twitch, subscribe and ring the notification bell on my Youtube channel, and consider donating to my Ko-Fi page!